May 1, 2010

Only the Obsessed Stand in the Rain Planting Seedlings

That's me!  Obsessed with my SFG.  I actually stood out in the rain today planting onion seedlings in my SFG. 

I planted my own onions from seed indoors a few weeks ago. Let's just say that was an experiment gone wrong. In the future, I will only plant onion seedlings or sets. I bought a 9-cell pack of red onion seedlings at Lowes today. I had no idea that each little shoot coming up out of the soil was one plant. I was able to plant a whole square of 16 and 12 more in another square that I had also planted 4 surviving green onion seedlings that I planted from seed. I counted the plants left in the pack and there are still 35 onion seedlings! I have a pot a can plant a few in. The rest I'm going to plant in among all my perennials all around the house.

5 out of the 6 leek seeds I planted indoors survived. So, I planted those today too. I also built a high rise for them so I can add more Mel's Mix as they grow. That way I can get a little more of the tender white part of the leek.

They're kind of small still.  I hope they do some major growing now that they're in the SFG.  We'll see what happens.

Here is an updated pic of my SFG.  You can see the high rise I built on the back square there.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm planting tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and strawberries in Topsy Turvy containers. I got my tomato planted the other day, but I had to keep it covered for a few days due to the weather. I took the cover off yesterday and the leaves have already turned up to the sun. The tomato plant seems happy. I think it's already grown bigger too!

I planted 30 strawberry plants in the strawberry Topsy Turvy today. They look kind of sad right now. I hope they perk up soon.

Some time in the next week, I'm going to head back to Lowes and get me some more seedlings.  I definitely want to get some broccoli.  My broccoli seedlings all died, so I have to replace them.  I may also get an eggplant seedling.  I'll have to see how the one I planted from seed does over the next couple of weeks.  I can't plant eggplant outside in my zone until June anyway.

My lonely little eggplant seedling. It's so tiny!

I have 6 pepper seedlings, 2 cucumber seedlings and a sugar pumpkin seedling in the house waiting to be planted. I just transplanted them into bigger pots. They were definitely outgrowing the Jiffy pellets I had seeded them in. I made some little pots out of newspaper and planted them in there. I may or may not plant them directly in the SFG in the newspaper pots. I haven't decided yet.

1 comment:

  1. I love your set up! Just remember that SFG is so addictive that after all the hardwork of setting up this'll just need to expand next year! Good luck and thanks for visiting my Rustic Garden (! Can't wait to see your garden signs!
